Navigate the sea of change

ESG investing has seen 2x more inflows in 2020 and evolved from a compliance checkbox requirement to having significance in investment risk. See how ESGnie is here to help.

1. Effectiveness + Accuracy

Remove the need for manual analysis takes between 3-9 months of research, cut down on human error when aggregating information and eliminate bias during research.

2. Economic Literacy

ESG-literate coupled with economic reasoning, ESGnie is able to identify new sources of information up to 50x faster avoiding greenwashing which existing Language Processing models are not trained to do, and can misclassify key economic variables. Our AI model understands the financial materiality of ESG factors, regulatory terms, and academic research linking ESG indicators to financial performance.

3. Customisability + Control

With the complex and unstructured nature of ESG data, attempts to provide a one-size-fits-all solution through a black-box methodology fails to give funds the clarity they need when making decisions. ESGnie enables you to take control of information to guide your decision making.

ESG integration

ESG integration

Providing you with a one-stop-shop for seamless ESG integration into investment strategies and decision-making.

Risk forecasting

Impact forecasting

Forecast the impact of potential investment opportunities to identify promising opportunities, and avoid risks.

Monitor risk exposure

Monitor risk exposure

Manage and monitor your ESG risk exposure in real time, using insights derived from your numerous sources.

Differentiated investment

Differentiated investment strategies

Build your unique in-house differentiated strategies with control over the data sources and insights you need.

Auto generated reports

Automated reporting to various standards

Easily report your research and analysis to internal and external stakeholders in a manner compliant with ESG standards.